August 15th

Hey All!

Thank you all for the awesome discussions and questions last night!  Next week we will be meeting, and I'm thinking we should fit in one more week of "summer food" so let's do hot dogs :)  Taylor and I can grab hot dogs and buns from Costco, so we'll just need some awesome sides and toppings to go along with it.  Some ideas:

-toppings (relish, onion, etc.)
-potato salad
-green salad
-fruit salad
-corn on the cob
-etc. etc.

Please let us know if you'll be able to come and what you can bring!  See you then!


  1. We'll bring corn on the cob and maybe a dessert or side! Beth -- do you have a big pot to boil the corn or should we bring ours? :o)

  2. Also, Jonah has something that will keep him later at work so we will be coming after dinner but will bring stuff for S'MORES!

    1. Yes...and Mark has made S'MORES in the microwave too but he says you have to make them quickly!!!

    2. We do it all the time and then Jonah finishes off the marshmallows with his brulee torch :)

  3. We'll bring some potato salad, too!

  4. We will bring something not sure yet! Sorry I'm dropping the ball :)


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