
Showing posts from November, 2018

November 27th

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are going to do something a bit different this week: TV Dinners! The idea is to bring your own dinner (from the freezer if you so choose!) to be enjoyed while watching YouTube videos.  A few notes: if you have a favorite YouTube video, we will watch on the Farah's tv and if you are bringing a previously frozen meal, consider microwaving at home and then using the microwave at the Farah's to reheat. Thanks and see you all Tuesday!

November 20th

Hi everyone, We will be scattering this week for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I hope you all have a wonderful week!

November 13th

Happy Friday!  We are going to try a new meal option this week: BLTs.  I'd say let's have a few people bring bacon, since we'll need a lot.  Please share what you'll be bringing to share. Some ideas: - BACON (a few contributors probably, some like it crispy, some like it chewy :) ) - Bread - Tomatoes - Lettuce - Spreads/Other toppings - Other meats? - Sides (Chips, Salads, Fruit) - Desserts

November 6th

Hey everyone, We will NOT be scattering this week.  This month's scatter week will move to the week of Thanksgiving.  So, it's been a while since we've done a pasta/Italian week.  Please post what you'll be bringing to share! Some ideas: - Pasta or Pasta dishes (probably a few should contribute here) - Sauces (tomato, pesto, alfredo) - Cheese - Bread - Salad - Vegetables/Fruit - Other sides/dessert