
Showing posts from June, 2018

July 3rd

Hey everyone, this will be our scatter week since lots of folks will be out of town.  Look forward to seeing you all next week!

June 26th

Happy Friday! Let's welcome in summer next week with a cookout!  The Farah's have a grill so we can plan to cook there, depending on what folks sign up to bring.  Have a great weekend! Some ideas: - Burgers/hot dogs to grill - Buns - Cheese, other condiments - Chips/Potatoes - Other sides (Corn on the cob, salads, etc) - Baked beans - Fruit - Dessert

June 19th

Hey team, This week will be an Asian theme.  The Schultz team and myself (Kelly) will not be there, so you can keep that in mind.  Hope everyone has a great weekend! Please share what you'll be bringing.  I think you know the drill for this one.

June 12th

Just a reminder that we will be scattering this week.  See you next Tuesday!

June 5th

Let's do Rotisserie Chicken & Sides this week.  Please post what you'll be bringing to share! Some ideas: - Chickens! (Shoot for 2-3?) *Other proteins are also welcome - Vegetables - Potatoes - Salad - Bread - Dessert