
Showing posts from September, 2015

September 7th

Hi folks! We will be meeting this week at about 11:45 in the sanctuary. Feel free to either bring food from home or run out and grab something and bring it back. Also, if you could post and let us know if you plan on being there or not, that would be awesome! Hope you're having a great week! 

September 20th

Hey Everyone! We're so excited to start up our central community! We will be meeting this Sunday at the Hillsboro location. This group is a little different than others, in that it's not a potluck style dinner, but instead everyone brings their own meals. We will be gathering around 11:45 or so, so you can either bring your lunch from home or run out and grab food and bring it back to the church. If you have any questions, please feel free to text or call me (Beth) at 503-704-7208 . We're so excited to start living life with all of you!